Christmas Winter Break

 This winter break I slept over at my cousins house for the first week. We went out to have breakfast and went mall shopping which was really fun. Also,one of my bestest friends celebrated her 15th birthday and I decided to help on decorations so i had gotten early to her house. She looked so amazing and that night was as special as she is to me. In addition, on Christmas Eve my mom had planned to make tamales and pozole and decided to invite my aunts and my godmother. That night we ate, watched movies on Netflix and played games. Most of my cousins were tired that they knocked out early so we had cleaned up early and gone to sleep. The next day on Christmas day we had all planned to go to my oldest aunt's house to open presents. 
 Since one of my oldest cousins had gone to mexico for a week, she brought me some earings and candy that my aunt from mexico had sent to me. My family and I spent New Years Eve at my aunts house, we ate and watched some movies like Nacho Libre. My aunt celebrated my little cousins 6th birthday on January 2, which was fun and exciting for my little cousin. Overall my winter break was fun but short.

Image result for nacho libre


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