The Harmful Effects of Marijuana

Marijuana's negative effects on attention, memory, and learning can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off, depending on the person's history with the drug. Someone who smokes marijuana daily may be functioning at a reduced intellectual level most or all of the time. Evidence suggests that students who smoke marijuana have poor educational outcomes than their nonsmoking peers. For example, a review of 48 relevant studies found marijuana use to be associated with reduced educational attainment. Consuming marijuana can lead you to feeling tired. This plant is considered in man ways for example, weed, pot, herb, as well as inseminate.

Monitoring the Future Study: Trends in Prevalence of Marijuana/ Hashish for 8th Graders, 10th Graders, and 12th Graders; 2017 (in percent)*
DrugTime Period8th Graders10th Graders12th Graders
Marijuana/ HashishLifetime13.5030.7045.00
Past Year10.1025.5037.10
Past Month5.50[15.70]22.90
Image result for marijuana

Image result for how does marijuana harm youImage result for data graph on marijuana's harmful effects 2017


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